Friday, 30 March 2012

The main cause of stress for teens is school. Do you agree?

In my opinion, I feel that there are much more other serious causes of stress for teens and therefore disagree with the above statement. I feel that there are many more other causes, such as family problems and relationship problems that were faced by many teens and therefore think that school might not necessarily be the main cause of stress for teens.
There is a statement stated in the report, Child Support and Custody in Singapore found on the website,, "Socially, some of those children would initially feel rejected and withdrawn." This shows that the root of this problem faced by come of the children is because of their divorced parents and not school. 
In another article, What teens believe in divorce and marriage written by Shana Schutte, found in, another statement is made, "According to the Rudgers study, 'Divorce increases the risk of interpersonal problems in children. There is evidence, both from small qualitative studies and from large-scale, long-term empirical studies, that many of these problems are long-lasting. In fact, they may even become worse in adulthood.'" This shows how much stress and problems can be caused by family issues such as parents' divorce can cause to harm their children, which are normally teens. 
In "When mom and dad split", an article written by Amy Desai, J.D. found in, there were more evidence on how much harm one's parents' divorce can affect teens. The above screen shot had shown, 
"Research comparing children of divorced parents to children with married parents shows:
  • Children from divorced homes suffer academically. They experience high levels of behavior problems. Their grades suffer, and they are less likely to graduate from high school.2
  • Kids whose parents divorce are substantially more likely to be incarcerated for committing a crime as a juvenile.3
  • Because the custodial parent's income drops substantially after a divorce, children in divorced homes are almost five times more likely to live in poverty than are children with married parents.4
  • Teens from divorced homes are much more likely to engage in drug and alcohol use, as well as sexual intercourse than are those from intact families.5"                                                                                                                 This evidence provided in the article clearly illustrates how teens from divorced homes can suffer twice as many problems and face twice as much stress faced by teens with married parents. Therefore, the stress that the teens faced caused by their parents' divorce can result into dire consequences such as the teens' grades suffering, behaviour problems, committing crimes, living in poverty and engaging in activities such as drug and alcohol usage and sexual intercourse.                                                                                                                         I also feel that there are many other causes of stress other than divorce of parents and school faced by teens. These causes of stress includes 
    • High competition for jobs - the feeling that there are no jobs out there
    • Education choices - after high school, paying for college
    • Stress of living at home, but yet feeling old enough to be on your own
    • Financial pressures - part time work is scarce and parents don't have as much money as they did 20 years ago
    • Disfunctional families - teens from divorced families, alcoholic, or abusive families
    • Blended families - teens may feel out of place
    Therefore, through this short post, I hope that one is able to realise why school is not the main cause of stress faced by teens in my opinion. With that, I conclude my statement on why I feel that school is not the main cause of stress faced by teens. 
Foo Ying Han (8)


  1. Hi Ying Han, Yi Min here. I would like to rebut your comment. Yes, there are other causes of stress but I strongly believe that school is the main cause of stress. In a survey among 13-17 year olds, it is revealed that school is the most commonly mentioned main source of stress. You said so yourself that ""Research comparing children of divorced parents to children with married parents shows that children from divorced homes suffer academically. They experience high levels of behavior problems. Their grades suffer, and they are less likely to graduate from high school".Those students who suffer academically are most likely to be stressed about their school work which enables me to draw the conclusion that school is the main cause of stress.

  2. I am Ying Han.
    You mentioned that there was a survey conducted among 13-17 year olds. However, where is the survey taken from and how do you know that the survey results are accurate? IN addition, for my statement, "Research comparing children of divorced parents to children with married parents shows that children from divorced homes suffer academically. They experience high levels of behavior problems. Their grades suffer, and they are less likely to graduate from high school", my stand is, the children have divorced parents and broken families therefore, there academic suffer greatly. This shows that the stress caused by their divorce parents is too much for them to handle and therefore, there academic suffers.

  3. Divorce is a Rampant Epidemic especially when the government & military (NATO) is behind it!

    I went to a father’s group in Texas (just north of Fort Hood) where some ex-military west pointer gave some real eye-opening comments. He basically said that the current Divorce process, legislation, court system and military is all one scheme that was put into play around the early 1960‘s. It was put in place for the Vietnam War, that’s when the divorces started to sky-rocket across the country (Google statistics). That in addition, it was also designed to be one huge cash-cow to lure greedy lawyers to facilitate and destroy more families on the civilian side to get enough statistics to make it comparable to the military statistics. However the military numbers are still much higher. That is why they then modified the scheme to use on police nationwide to raise the civilian stats as most are ex-military and won’t suspect anything wrong.

    It is designed to send “single” male soldiers without family responsibilities to war and deny ex-wives any long-term financial support that was initially and may still be coming from the military/ pentagon’s money pockets. This is why laws traditionally have been favoring women. Women are lured to divorce partners with both positive and negatives reinforcements. The positive is they get the kids, the house, money in many forms-child support etc thus they benefit in the short term. To the military, the soldiers wives are expendable as are the soldiers and even their children! Simply the less money the military spends on wives, kids, ex-soldiers, the medical bills etc, the more they have for their drones, guns, or bullets. The scheme is very very complicated but based on very slow very subtle psy-ops brainwashing tactics followed by Machiavellian divide and conquer restraining orders. He said that any Freedom of Information request will gradually reveal key pieces of data that when analyzed together with confirm all this. Talking about this among other soldiers would also reveal stuff, so they came up with “leave your family problems at home” and the “zero tolerance” to divorce and get the spouses or soldiers out of the service quickly before they talk and expose the scheme. This is also the reason why the Pentagon does not want to release documents related to divorce. Part of the even bigger Military-Industrial complex.

    Basically makes wives and soldier fight and hate each other. The scheme basically exploits women’s emotional traits to spread itself to other victims. The media contributes to the fear mongering and makes things worst. Fear (PTSD etc) makes women fear for their safety or some play the helpless damsel in distress thus they then go pleading to the oh-so-willing authorities who provide them with military issued cookie cutter divorce packets to take to a civilian lawyer. They do this to hide where the process initially starts.
